Future doctors in Spain are required to do a national exam to obtain a position in a hospital for a 4-5 years residency. Almost 10k people compete each year for their desired hospital and specialty.
For those involved, this process is highly stressful. Depending on your ranking in this exam, you might be forced to specialize in something you might not be interested, or to move to a city in the other side of the country.
Ad-hoc solutions to reduce this anxiety, like Facebook and chat groups where people try to know in advance what positions are people choosing before them, are not enough.
TuPlazaFSE is a web platform that allows to share and crowdsource this information privately, making it possible to predict with quite good accuracy what the outcome will be, based on what everyone else is choosing and what the available positions are.
Right now it was launched three consecutive years with great success: more than 85% of the people that did the exam participated in the platform every year.
Web Segura
Developed inside a local privacy and cyber rights association, Pucelabits.
We automatically ranked hundreds of government websites based on the security configuration of their websites. Unsurprisingy, many of them were not properly configured and thus a serious security risk for the public.
Many important Spanish government websites suddenly upgraded their security configuration days after we release the project and the press started taking notice of it.
My first "serious" project. Started it when I was 17 years old.
It was the pitch that got me into Think Big, Telefónica startup accelerator program. Then I was chosen to continue working in my project one year more with them.
I built a multi-disciplinary team and we managed to win several awards with the project.
Seeties was deployed in several cities in Spain.